Blogs by Bonnie Landau

Information about Special Education & Inspiration for Special Ed Moms

I Do Not Like These IEPs

IEPs Dr. Seuss Style (author unknown) Do you like these IEPs? I do not like these IEP's I do not like them, Jeeze Louise We test, we check we plan, we meet but nothing ever seems complete. Would you, could you like the form? I do not like the form I see. Not page 1,...

IEP vs 504 Plan: What’s the Difference?

In the United States, if your child is falling behind the expected average in his or her schoolwork, some kind of educational plan may be drafted, approved and implemented. This may be due to a behavioral…

Bonnie LandauBonnie Landau
IEP, 504, special Education

Help Twice Exceptional Kids With Being Different

Q: My son is a junior in high school and struggles with significant depression and anger problems. He is gifted in math and goes to the city college for math classes, but he is still in resource class for language arts due to dyslexia.

Regaining Your Sense of Control from Mommyhood

I know we all had dreams for our kids, imagining all the typical experiences they would have. Even if we have kids with no special ed challenges, life as a mom is full of surprising moments that can take us from calm to overwhelmed in a heartbeat. I know for me having...

Concussions & Football: Knowledge Helps Prevention

This long-term consequences of concussions are finally getting notice from sports programs around the globe. Acknowledging that they can create life-long issues has only come about as NFL players have spoken out about their challenges. Schools are starting to pay...

Neurofeedback: Retrain Your Brain

After 15 months of neurofeedback I asked my son what was the best thing he got out of it. “I don’t have to move my body if I don’t want to,” was his reply. Before neurofeedback he couldn’t sit still for even 10 seconds

Do Colored Reading Filters Help?

Q: I read an article that talked about colored reading filters and how they can help our kiddos in school. Have you heard of these? Do they work?

How do I help my NT child?

Q: I was heartbroken today when my NT (neurotypical) son told me that he didn’t want to be in our family anymore because he doesn’t matter. He always has to take a second seat to our son with autism because, honestly, he just doesn’t need as much help. I feel like an awful mom because he is struggling in a different way. What can I do to support both my kids?

Bonnie LandauBonnie Landau
Ask Bonnie, Parenting

SCOTUS Requires “Appropriately Ambitious” Education

It was a unanimous verdict by the Supreme Court, 8-0, in favor of a special education student who was not given a fair and appropriate education. Too often in the schools we see teachers “dumming down” curriculum…

What is a QEEG Brain Map?

A QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) brain map is a way of measuring the electrical activity in the brain. This measure provides a clear picture of how the different areas of the brain are functioning. Very sophisticated statistical software is used to analyze...

Is it Autism or APD? What’s the Difference?

Q: My 4 year old daughter's pediatrician noted some developmental delays and referred us to a psychologist for a full assessment. She had 14 ear infections form 6 months to 3 years of age, and our family has a history of auditory processing disorder (APD) and I...

Why Auditory Processing Disorder Makes Reading Difficult

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is not an issue of poor hearing, but an issue with how the brain interprets the nerve signals from the ear. APD challenges are most often seen with spoken speech since the differences between speech…

Understanding Learning Styles Makes Learning Easier

If somebody were to give you driving directions to a place, and you drew a map while listening to the person telling you the directions, which would you recall when going there…

Bonnie LandauBonnie Landau
Learning Styles

Contrast Sensitivity

To read well your eyes must work well. Unfortunately most people think this means if text looks blurry, you need an eye exam. The truth is, there is more that goes on with eye function than just visual acuity. This is why it is very important…

Bonnie LandauBonnie Landau
Reading, Visual Processing, Dyslexia

Book Review: How Behavioral Optometry Can Unlock Your Child’s Potential

When a child struggles in school, parents often go looking for a reason. Is the child trying hard enough? Does my child have a learning disability? Is the teacher not effective? I was this kind of parent, looking for answers…

Bonnie LandauBonnie Landau
Visual Processing, Dyslexia, Vision Therapy

The Eyes Influences What the Brain Hears

Scientists at the University of Utah have discovered that the eyes influence what the brain hears. The scientists did an experiment with epilepsy patients where they actually measured brain activity when the subject was presented…

Bonnie LandauBonnie Landau

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