Blogs by Bonnie Landau

Information about Special Education & Inspiration for Special Ed Moms

Your Child Finally Has a Diagnosis. Now What?

Your child has been struggling with learning challenges, so you sought out some answers. Now you have a diagnosis. It could be ADHD, dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, sensory processing disorder or maybe even autism. Even though you...

Accommodations for Students with Auditory Processing Disorder

Help for learning disabilities are often called accommodations. Accommodations are ways of modifying environment to assist with overcoming the challenges of a learning disability. For example, if a person has difficulty hearing when competing noise is...

Could the Moro Reflex Be the Root Cause of Sensory Issues?

The Moro Reflex is a primitive reflex that is generally present when a baby is born. Through repeated body movements the reflex usually integrates at the age of 4 to 6 months. The Moro Reflex is an automatic response to the sudden loss of body support. The infant...

9 FREE Graphic Organizers For Kids With Dysgraphia

Writing essays is a skill that students start as early as first grade. First they learn to write a sentence, then to put those sentences into a paragraph, then to combine paragraphs into an essay. For students with dysgraphia, the actually writing with a pencil is...

Can a Special Needs Mom Ever Relax?

The past decade of my life has been devoted to helping my children recover from their developmental delays. Not only fighting with schools, moving to get into a better school and making sure their IEPs are implemented, but also focusing on what can be done at home to...

Can My Child Recover From ADHD?

Recovery from ADHD is a heated topic. I know many will disagree with me, but I believe most of the time, a child CAN improve or recover from ADHD symptoms. The reason so many people disagree with this has to do with what most people think Attention Deficit...

Social Awkwardness Does Not Always Mean Autism

I am the first to admit that I hate labels. As an adolescent I wanted so much to fit in and be like everybody else. In my early 20s, I took the Meyers Briggs personality test and found out I was an INFJ – rarest personality type. Only 2% of the population falls into...

11 Reasons a Child Cannot Look You in the Eyes

Most people assume if a person has trouble looking you straight in the eye, he must have autism. This is plain not true, and I wish people would stop with the armchair diagnosis when it comes to this social skill. I want to share the very many reasons people will...

The Typical IEP Meeting Agenda

I know how overwhelming and IEP meeting can be, and it is very difficult to know if they are covering everything they are suppose to. This is especially true if you do not have a special education advocate to help ensure everything is done properly. Not all IEP...

3 Questions a Special Education Advocate Asks to Get Results

I so wish I had a magic wand to get schools to say yes when the child clearly needs services but the schools are obviously manipulating the situation to make sure they can say no. Special education advocates know that the law is the way to get schools to change their...

What is Visual Processing Disorder and How Does It Affect Learning?

Mention a visual processing disorder (VPD) and the first thing a parent will say is, “But the eye doctor said he has 20/20 vision!” A person can have perfect focus but still have a visual processing disorder. This is because the problem with a visual processing...

Could Primary Reflexes Help Your Child’s Learning Challenges?

Primary reflex integration has quickly become one of the standard therapies to help children with ADHD, sensory processing, learning disabilities, autism and behavioral problems. It is an exercise-based therapy that helps recreate early baby movements that...

40 Special Ed Social Media Accounts You Must Follow

It is hard to stay on top of all the social media information, but it is important to keep abreast of what is going on in special education. These are the people I follow to help me learn new strategies for kids as well as information on changes in...

Why Can’t My Child Learn to Read?

When a child starts to learn to read, you never expect it to be a challenge. Yet 1 in 5 children will have difficulty mastering this essential skill. Most will be diagnosed with dyslexia, and it will be assumed that their brain functions in a way that reading will...

How to Do DNA Testing to Start Biomedical Healing

Biomedical healing has become a standard approach to helping children with cognitive and developmental delays. We've done it with our own son and saw dramatic improvement in attention, processing, language, emotional regulation and anxiety. He was so improved he no...

11 Questions When Hiring a Special Education Advocate

How do you know when you need a special education advocate? In Chapter 12 of Special Ed Mom Survival Guide, I emphasize the need to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes it takes an advocate to help you find your way out of the stress,...

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