Screenings & Testing

Helpful tools that will uncover learning challenges and point to solutions

Reading Difficulty Screening

There are 9 causes of reading difficulty that have been identified that go beyond the global diagnosis fo dyslexia. These 9 causes can help you understand why your child struggles to read. This screening will evaluate your child for these 9 causes and help you understand where your child has a breakdown in the reading process.

Structure of Intellect (SOI)

Unlike a traditional IQ test, the Structure of Intellect is an assessment tools that identifies specific abilities that are needed to be successful in school. This tool can help determine if specific skills are strong or lacking, shedding light on specific deficits that can cause difficulties with reading, writing, math, memory, critical thinking or executive function.

These areas of difficulty can be cross-referenced with Common Core requirements and reveal where the child might struggle with Common Core Curriculum. The results of the SOI tool can determine if a child is gifted, or twice exceptional, which also gives great insight into the educational process for that student.

SOI not only determines where the challenges are, but also provides remediation tools for strengthening areas of weakness, thus improving the skills so the child has greater school success.

Meyers-Briggs for Students

The Meyers-Briggs is a well-known personality test that can help adults determine career interests, personality traits and even understand how adults approach projects. The MMTIC is a version of the Meyers-Briggs especially created for determining personality types in children.

This tool is invaluable in helping to understand how students engage in school, their strengths in learning, and even how they prefer to interact with peers. This tool helps the student understand how to capitzlize on their strengths and where their challenges might be, which can assist them in strategizing for school success.

Retained Reflexes Screening

Primary reflexes are automatic movements the body makes in response to external stimuli. These reflexes help the brain’s neurology to develop so the person’s body can move on to more advanced movements and skills. Children with retained reflexes can experience a whole range of challenges, from learning disabilities, mood disorders and even unexpected physiological responses. Read more about specific issues from retained reflexes.

I can screen your child for 8 of the most critical primary reflexes to see if they are all integrated. If there are indications they are unintegrated, I can refer you to specialists who can provide a more in-depth assessment and help you devise a plan for integrating the child’s reflexes.

Irlen Syndrome Screening

Irlen Syndrome is a disorder of the way the brain interprets light signals. It can manifest as light sensitivity, but it is more than that. When a person has Irlen Syndrome, their brain becomes overactive when exposed to certain wavelengths of light. This over activity causes symptoms beyond the visual distortions. For example, when under fluorescent lights their eyes might ache and they may experience slight nausea. These physiological responses are the brain’s way of saying it is having difficult processing the light.

Children with Irlen Syndrome will see distortions or movement when trying to read black text on white papers. These children often have difficulty with reading and writing and may be diagnosed with dyslexia. An Irlen Syndrome Screening could rule out if light processing is an issue. If the child does show signs of Irlen Syndrome, special color overlays can be used to help mitigate the distortions they experience. If the overlays help, the child can be referred to an Irlen Specialist to get specially tinted glasses.

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